Recent content by m633games

  1. M

    Control Freak 2 integration not working

    Thank you for your answer Justin, it helped me. The problem was that I didn't follow "Step 4) On the Player Input Proxy component on the character set the Player Input reference to the Control Freak Input component" properly, now it's set up correctly and it works. PlayerInputProxy on my...
  2. M

    Control Freak 2 integration not working

    PlayerInputProxy on my Character has the following settings: Script: PlayerInputProxy Player Input: <My CharacterName>Input (Unity Input) <My CharacterName>Input (Unity Input) only has the Control Freak Input script enabled Is there anything I need to change to the PlayerInputProxy?
  3. M

    Control Freak 2 integration not working

    Hi, I'm using Control Freak Version 2.8.9 and Third Person Controller v3.0.13 on Unity 2022.3.4f1 CF2 was working great on Third Person Controller v2 but when I upgraded to v3 it doesn't work anymore. I started a brand new scene, added my own character and it works fine with the built-in TPC...
  4. M

    Vehicle Interaction not working...

    Thanks for the pointers! I use the Skycar prefab and I narrowed it down where now if I use the Nolan prefab it works very well in my scene (I only had to drag the Nolan prefab and add the drive ability), but when it's my own Opsive Third Person Character it enters and exits the car properly but...
  5. M

    Vehicle Interaction not working...

    I'm not using RCC, I was hoping to just copy the Skycar prefab from the demo scene and use that exact same car. I can get in the car by pressing F. It opens the doors, smoothly enters the car but when it goes inside the car the character automatically goes on the top of the car and it doesn't...
  6. M

    Vehicle Interaction not working...

    Hi Justin, Was a tutorial video created on how to add a car?
  7. M

    Cannot get weapon to work in Quick Prototyping video

    It works well now, thank you!
  8. M

    Enemy stops attacking when scale change

    I think I will just patiently wait until the Adventure Kit is released and use it as an example, since I think Behavior Trees is a bit too advanced for my current knowledge. Thanks for the reply though!
  9. M

    Enemy stops attacking when scale change

    I clicked on the Can See Object task-> Inspector->Draw debug ray and I don't see any ray on the object that has this Behavior tree.
  10. M

    Enemy stops attacking when scale change

    What is the best way to tell what task is the tree stopped on? I attached a screenshot
  11. M

    Cannot get weapon to work in Quick Prototyping video

    I only have the Third Person controller. I can now see the AssaultRifle in the ItemSetManager when I click play, and I can see the target icon in the middle of the screen and when I click play I see an item under SM_Character_Male->Items->ThirdPersonControllerAssaultRifle but I still cannot see...
  12. M

    Enemy stops attacking when scale change

    Hi, I'm using Behavior Tree + Movement pack + Third Person Controller. I took the existing BehaviorTree from the demo scene that is used by the enemy agent. It works well and it moves and melee attacks the player when they get close. In my scene I'm trying to make the enemy bigger by changing...
  13. M

    Cannot get weapon to work in Quick Prototyping video

    Hi, I'm using Third Person Controller and following the instructions at this video "Quick Prototyping with the Ultimate Character Controller": I'm just using the default SM_Character_Male_01 character without FPS Mesh Tool or Blender, the character seem to look and work fine. I was able to get...
  14. M

    Disabling item added to inventory notifications

    Thank you very much!
  15. M

    Disabling item added to inventory notifications

    Hi, I wanted to add items to the inventory programmatically. It works well, except how do I disable the notifications that shows up in the bottom left of the screen, for example, "Sword of the Spirit X 1" The code I used: GameObject hero = GameObject.Find("Hero"); var m_Inventory =...