Justin's best answers

  • Justin

    Enemy Death Layer: Children Option

    You are referring to the Death Layer option on the Health component, correct? I can add this to my feature request list :)
  • Justin

    Camera State Change Triggers

    For this situation I would directly modify the AnchorOffset rather than using the state system - the state system is more of an on/off type of thing rather than being used for continuous changes.
  • Justin

    My ItemAbility appears to ignore the Animator Controller for my FP Arms

    The docs were wrong - I just updated it to:
  • Justin

    How To Get Clip Size

    The clip size exists on the ShootableWeapon which is an ItemAction. You'll want to loop through all of the ItemActions attached to the Item and then get the ClipSize property if that ItemAction is a ShootableWeapon.
  • Justin

    Can I disable movement during certain ability (like attack with weapon)

    If you are using root motion rotation for all animations you'll need to adjust the animator so it uses the yaw parameter to turn for all states.
  • Justin

    Demo scene is too heavy

    We didn't optimize the demo scene at all, adding occlusion culling is would be a quick way to reduce the amount rendered. I've added it to my list to take a look at optimizing the demo scene.
  • Justin

    How to debug Animator?

    On the Animator Monitor select Debug Animator Controller.
  • Justin

    Trying to implement vertical falling.

    Try adjusting the Motor Air Damping value on the Ultimate Character Locomotion to a smaller value. The existing dampening value is stopping the character pretty quickly while in the air without any input.
  • Justin

    Attacking while Moving

    Ah, for that in the Deathmatch AI Kit I accomplished by creating a new task that will specifically cause the agent to strafe. I really hope we can get deathmatch back relatively soon because it was a great example of a more advanced AI. Wander shouldn't be sharing any variables with use - both...
  • Justin

    Simple ability isn't activating

    That is a correct ability, but it doesn't look like it is enabled in your screenshot so it won't be able to be started.
  • Justin

    Struck Arrows not Disappearing

    Are you running the latest version of the character controller? A way to verify it is to look at the welcome window and it should show videos/discord links. I'm not able to reproduce some of the items that you are describing and you should be able to follow along with the video precisely. 1...
  • Justin

    Using new prefab workflow - variant

    Let's solve it now :) Within the Behavior Designer preferences if you check "Allow edit of prefab instances" you should be good to go. I haven't tried the new 2018.3 beta yet but Behavior Designer will definitely support it before it is officially released if there are any issues.