Recent content by Chibizzle

  1. C


    Line 78 never gets triggered, because ItemSetList is always empty Apparently it was the RuntimePickups script that filled the ItemSetManager of the player character when a Player had entered the room. My expectation was an event triggered that filled all of the managers on spawn. Now that I...
  2. C


    EDIT: This also happens for the player character, which does load the ItemSet correctly as shown in my first message... So now I'm really confused :( EDIT2: It seems like m_ItemCollection DOES load the ItemTypes, but they're not being put on the m_CategoryItemSet.ItemSetList // The...
  3. C


    seems to be in order
  4. C


    I have 2 characters in my game. A player and an enemy with BehaviorDesigner. However the player (left) has instantiated all the correct items in its ItemSetManager unlike the enemy (right). To create the enemy I did the followwing: - I used the UCC character creator with AI Agent and...
  5. C

    Projectile network spawning problem

    Since you released the magic projectiles, ive been changing to this new system. The projectile spawning works as expected. The impact however does not yet work perfectly, but im gonna play around a bit to see what i can make of it. For now let's close this issue!
  6. C

    Projectile network spawning problem

    Hi Justin, Thank you for your reply This is the PunLocationMonitor the Demo RocketLauncher uses. The Demo RocketLauncher also seems a little off from the expected FirePoint position. I tried these settings on my Fireball both WITH and WITHOUT checkin the synchronize position/rotation and get...
  7. C

    Projectile network spawning problem

    I have used a ShooterWeapon which uses Grenade Throwing animation and throws a custom Fireball projectile which I created by peeking at the Opsive PunRocket prefab. However on the MasterClient the projectile travels differently. It seems like the spawning positioning of the projectile or the arc...
  8. C

    Camera Turning Rate Issue

    I have this same problem. Did anyone find a solution yet? When I'm in Play Mode in the Unity editor it all works perfectly. Yet when i build the game and run, this exact problem shows up... I have tried both with the Unity Input and ReWired Input. EDIT: When I put the...