Recent content by blaurain

  1. blaurain

    Version 3 Details

    Excited to try it out! Networking is my biggest question, will this new character make it easier to support photon fusion? I see mention of a new way to handle interpolation via rigidbody, does that mean it's not interpolated kinematically?
  2. blaurain

    Photon Fusion Integration

    I love that you're doing this! I started learning Fusion for my contract gig but I haven't tried to write an integration yet for my opsive project. Have you made much progress on it?
  3. blaurain

    Photon Fusion

    I'd also be interested in a fusion integration or at least an upgrade guide from the PUN kit for now
  4. blaurain

    Missing Behavior Designer Integration Download

    oh okay thanks, this downloads link on the integrations page directs to the wrong link then
  5. blaurain

    Missing Behavior Designer Integration Download

    UseItemObject.cs was the only thing I had to change. I updated the rest of my project to the new inventory system and it seems great, I love what you've done with the menu system so far
  6. blaurain

    Missing Behavior Designer Integration Download

    The link to the UIS integrations downloads page does not list behavior designer anymore, I'm trying to see if its worth updating UIS in my project but not sure how to update that integration. Thanks!
  7. blaurain

    Skill Bar

    I got animations working, you guys are the best! I really appreciate all the work it took to make this happen
  8. blaurain

    Skill Bar

    @Sangemdoko perfect, thanks for the help
  9. blaurain

    Skill Bar

    Thanks again! I have the fireball shooting from the hotbar in the demo scene but I can't seem to get any animation working when it launches. There are two missing scripts on the Fireball prefab after I integrated updates, could that be it?
  10. blaurain

    Skill Bar

    Thanks @Justin thats great news! I just sent it from
  11. blaurain

    Skill Bar

    @Sangemdoko @Justin Any update on getting me the changes? I'm afraid to make many more changes on my end I'm not sure what will update. Thank you guys :)
  12. blaurain

    Skill Bar

    @Sangemdoko @Justin Can I test out this release before it has everything else in it? I'm going to need to update my database structure anyway it sounds like, so I'd rather get that started now
  13. blaurain

    Skill Bar

    @Justin Thanks again for making those changes! So it sounds like you're closer to releasing the changes than the November/December time frame? I did quit my job to focus on getting this game out the door so another month would be a pretty significant delay.
  14. blaurain

    Skill Bar

    Sounds great, can I still please get a copy of the solution before V1.1? I'm supposed to release an early version of the game in january so ideally I'd like to have combat working before then haha edit: @Sangemdoko I'm comfortable working through most the source at this point if you gotta give...
  15. blaurain

    Skill Bar

    @Sangemdoko any update on the ability slot fix? Thank you! :)