Sorting ItemTypes by Category


Hey y'all!

Was wondering what the best way to sort ItemTypes by Category is. My scenario, and I'm just starting to think about how to extend the inventory, starts with just seeing what returns what:

public class PlayerInventoryManager : MonoBehaviour {

    public List<Item> m_CurrentItemList;
    public List<ItemType> m_CurrentItemTypeList;

    public Inventory m_OpsiveInventory;

    void Update()
        if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) {
            ReturnCurrentInventory ();

    public void ReturnCurrentInventory()
        m_CurrentItemList.Clear ();
        m_CurrentItemTypeList.Clear ();

        List<Item> Items = m_OpsiveInventory.GetAllItems ();
        foreach (Item item in Items) {
            m_CurrentItemList.Add (item);

        List<ItemType> ItemTypes = m_OpsiveInventory.GetAllItemTypes ();
        foreach (ItemType itemType in ItemTypes) {
            m_CurrentItemTypeList.Add (itemType);

Seems to return what I'd expect, dropping weapons or picking them up is reflected in the lists.

My formal question is, how would I differentiate the ItemTypes by Category, so I could then track which are weapons, which are ammunition, etc.. and work from there. Are there better ways to sort these values?

As a broader question, is there an expected way to hook to the inventory system? I previously used Inventory Pro as an example to help me attempt to hook into the inventory system but it looks like that's no longer integrated.

Are there any assets that are recommended for extending the Inventory? I wouldn't be opposed to using an outside asset, currently was going to use NGUI to build the UI and construct my own inventory handler.

Thanks much!
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Found that I could sort ItemTypes by Category using:
if(itemType.CategoryIDMatch (0)) {
    Debug.Log("This must be some ammo");

... based on that, was thinking that maybe the best way to do it would be to make several Categories, starting with:
Ranged Weapon
Melee Weapon

... which resulted in the EquipNext/EquipPrevious no longer switching through the ItemSets how I'd expect. Looks like I'm going to re-read the Double Category Setup again =)
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