Removing UCC asmdefs


New member
Hey! Is it possible to remove the UCC assembly definitions without breaking the asset? I would love to access some of my other classes from inside Locomotion component, but unfortunately we have tried to set our own code to use assembly definitions twice but both times there have been problems. So I was wondering if the opposite could help, removing the UCC assembly definitions. I have the Third Person Controller.
I haven't tried removing the Assembly Definitions but if you removed all of them then Unity will place it all within one assembly.
Hey! Is it possible to remove the UCC assembly definitions without breaking the asset? I would love to access some of my other classes from inside Locomotion component, but unfortunately we have tried to set our own code to use assembly definitions twice but both times there have been problems. So I was wondering if the opposite could help, removing the UCC assembly definitions. I have the Third Person Controller.
Hello. Cant reach my classes in scripts of UCC cause of Assembly Definition Asset. All my tries to remove asmdef breaks UCC.
Please help.
Instead of changing the character controller code I recommend subclassing or creating new classes completely so you can more easily update. With that said, if you remove all assembly definitions it will compile. You can also add in your own assembly definition. This is more of a general Unity question though so if you still have problems I recommend that you post on the Unity forums and somebody there will likely have more experience with that specific problem.