Items sharing colliders


2 of my items are "sharing" colliders, so whenever I modified one, the other collider gets modified as well, that affects when I drop the item, only one of them is going to do it right.

I adjusted the collider for my flashlight like this:

An if I open another item it will appear:

Even if it doesn't have a box collider in it, and if I adjust it to it, it will change the other.
I have tried removing both of them and adding them again, but the same thing happens. Also the sphere collider (which is trigger for picking up the item) share positions.
These are the pickup prefabs that get dropped right? Sounds like a weird prefab/prefab-variant dependency thing, e.g. maybe you tried to duplicate one of them to make the other but ended up creating a prefab variant. Try making 2 separate new prefabs with different colliders.
These are the pickup prefabs that get dropped right? Sounds like a weird prefab/prefab-variant dependency thing, e.g. maybe you tried to duplicate one of them to make the other but ended up creating a prefab variant. Try making 2 separate new prefabs with different colliders.
I deleted them and created them again a now it works. My guess is when I copied the trajectory object component from one of them into another it kind of referenced the colliders somehow...

These are the pickup prefabs that get dropped right? Sounds like a weird prefab/prefab-variant dependency thing, e.g. maybe you tried to duplicate one of them to make the other but ended up creating a prefab variant. Try making 2 separate new prefabs with different colliders.
Update: it came back again, so it wasn't the component thing.
I don't know what makes them to share colliders out of nowhere. Bug probably?
Hm I've definitely not seen this happen before - you definitely didn't copy any components, component values or references, right? If you're able to repro this in the demo or a fresh project I'd be interested to take a look at it.
Hm I've definitely not seen this happen before - you definitely didn't copy any components, component values or references, right? If you're able to repro this in the demo or a fresh project I'd be interested to take a look at it.
I sent you a PM