Combo Question


Is there a way to make a combo so that it will do something along the lines of this:

Attack 1 ----> Attack 2 -----> Attack 3. But only if the button is pushed with a certain time period. So ideally it would be using the Special Attack ability that is in the demo, but instead of using Action -----> Fire1 it could use Fire 1 and the attack would play then if it was within the time limit set and the next button was pushed in enough time it would do the next attack and continue to the end?

If the attack wasn't done within the time period it would start over instead of playing in sequence as it does now, if it's set to sequence.

Ideally something similar to Assassin's Creed or the Witcher combos or attacks.
There isn't anything specific built in with that setup but you can create your own selector to add it.
