Camera issues on import


New member

Asset looks great in the third person demo, but for some reason the camera movement is shaky and irregular in a new scene. I followed the video instructions, added my character (I later tried Nolan just to see if my character was the issue or not), added a third person adventure camera, and the managers /UI.

Everything works as expected, except the camera shakes noticeably when I move the mouse. Almost as if it is fighting against some sort of contrary input.

I'm not sure if I can explain the camera behaviour adequately, but it's hard to watch and looks like the FPS has dropped below 30.

There is nothing in the scene except a plane, the camera, a light, game managers, and the canvas. I have no assets/scripts in the scene other than the plane and what came with the Third Person Controller.
Ah, just noticed the warning in the Ultimate Character Locomotion script. I recommend adding this bit of information to the setup videos as it took me a little while to find out what was going on.