Recent content by matmalm

  1. M

    Reference to the Dropped item

    Hi. How could I synchronize the state of the equipped items with the dropped items? In the case of the flashlight for example, if I pick it up and turn the light "on", I'd like the light to still be "on", on the dropped item, and vice versa (if the light on the dropped item is "on", to pick it...
  2. M

    Objects handling with full body awareness

    Alright, so is not possible for the character to look himself in a mirror for example?
  3. M

    Objects handling with full body awareness

    I'm using Unity 2021.3.36 URP. UFPS 3.0.20. I have a character with full body awareness, so I didn't set up the first person arms. In my case, without the first person arms, if the items get picked up and attached as a children of the camera, then it works well when rotation the camera, but the...
  4. M

    Agent not finding path when facing a door

    I just updated from UFPM (v2) to UFPS (v3), and the first issue runs much better now, not perfect because it gets through the door object (prob something changed with the colliders) when is pushed, but it's much better than not having any destination and being idle.
  5. M

    Agent not finding path when facing a door

    I'm trying that my NPC opens doors when they are on the way of their destination. The behavior is handled by the Behavior Designer, and mainly the action movements are Patrol and Seek. For opening the doors, I'm using UCC abilities (interact) with a raycast, and the door is opened by...
  6. M

    Help with the order of tasks

    Update: setting the wander sequence on self conditional abort makes it repeat it
  7. M

    Help with the order of tasks

    I managed to do it with a parallel task. But it doesn't repeat itself. It starts wandering, if it sees or hear the player it goes seek the player, then it goes to the last position when it loses sight or doesn't hear. But then doesn't go back to wander. After the start, wanders remains green...
  8. M

    Help with the order of tasks

    Without the parallel works
  9. M

    Help with the order of tasks

    For some reason the Wander task is returning failure
  10. M

    Help with the order of tasks

    Added a bool for wander, not sure if it's the right approach, but it works now
  11. M

    Help with the order of tasks

    In my designer, the first Sequence, it performs a seek on player target depending if it hears or sees the player, if not it goes to the second Sequence in which it goes to the last position it heard or saw the player, after it arrives to that position it goes to Wander. However, at start (after...
  12. M

    Adding a public variable in "Can See Object"

    I ended up creating a new script, and it works
  13. M

    Adding a public variable in "Can See Object"

    Hi, I added a public variable to the script "Can See Object", however it doesn't show up in the inspector, instead it shows up in the inspector of "Stacked Conditional", and then adding "Can See Object" Conditional. (this got me thinking for a while why it wasn't showing up in the first place)...
  14. M

    Behavior Designer guidance

    Thanks for the answer. Just 2 questions: - Those abilities then have to be on Start mode Manual as I'm calling them from the behavior designer? - If the wander behavior handle movement, then why it's not an ability but rather a behavior? I'll take a look :)
  15. M

    Behavior Designer guidance

    I have UCC v2 (I know that it's not supported but I just need some general guidance), Behavior Designer and the Movement Pack. My agents (which are ghosts) are mostly performing the wandering behavior of the Movement Pack, however sometimes I want them to perform certain actions, ie. sitting in...