Recent content by Lemar

  1. L

    Prefab with autosave On - Interupt and Perform Interupt

    I created a fresh non beta project in the latest official release 2019.2.6 and it worked with auto save activated. No problem there. The issue startet when I upgraded the fresh project to the beta version 2019.3 5b. Thank you for helping. I think we can leave it there until 2019.3 becomes an...
  2. L

    Prefab with autosave On - Interupt and Perform Interupt

    Documentation shows the feature exists since 2018.3
  3. L

    Prefab with autosave On - Interupt and Perform Interupt

    In Unity version 2019.3 (beta) and maybe also in earlier version there is an issue when working in a prefab with the behaviour designer on task "interupt" and "perform Interupt" when the Prefab autosave feature is on. The issue is, I can not save the interupt task on the perform interupt task...
  4. L

    Find by Tag task using string variable -> Unity freeze Out of memory exception

    I tried it again and it worked but the second I used the variable in another task I got the same error. I forgot to mention that to reproduce one has to work with prefabs and autosave feature for prefabs must be on. Could be related to another issue I ran into which I will describe in a second...
  5. L

    Find by Tag task using string variable -> Unity freeze Out of memory exception

    OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].set_Capacity (System.Int32 value) (at <599589bf4ce248909b8a14cbe4a2034e>:0) System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].EnsureCapacity (System.Int32 min) (at <599589bf4ce248909b8a14cbe4a2034e>:0)...
  6. L

    Find by Tag task using string variable -> Unity freeze Out of memory exception

    Hi How to reproduce the error: 1. Work with a prefab and autosave on 2. Use "Find by Tag" task 3. Create String variable to dynamically set the Tag on the Behaviour tree component 4. Reference that String variable in the Tag input on "Find by Tag" task Save. Select Game Object with that...
  7. L

    Movement pack - Patrol rotation in 2d world

    Thank you, I figured it out. Had to adjust the gameobject preset rotation and camera aligned with z,x Axis. It works now fine.
  8. L

    Movement pack - Patrol rotation in 2d world

    Hi, Thank you for your awesome work. I was playing around with a 2d setup, unity navMesh, top down and used the patrol task from the movement pack. The movement is working, my sprite can move between waypoint but the rotation that can be activated within that task does not work as is does...